ADPP (The Arena for Data Protection Professionals has announced today their alliance with US based Association of Data & Cyber Governance (ADCG).
Members of ADCG will enjoy discounted memberships to ADPP and vice versa, along with other benefits and perks such as access to courses, trainings, webinars, and much more.
Under this partnership, ADPP and ADCG will be hosting several co-sponsored webinars, courses, and workshops in 2023 and collaborating on content related to emerging topics and practices in the industry. Longer term, in person events will be held.
Jason Shoup, Executive Director of ADCG, said today , “We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with the Arena for Data Protection Professionals (ADPP) to engage in content generation and the presentation of virtual instruction around the really important topics concerning senior executives”
Penny Heyes of ADPP, co founder, said today: “this alliance will ensure that our members and ADCG’s members will be able to access global information and interact with their colleagues across the globe, gaining a world perspective on important and topical issues that concern us all through webinars, panel discussions and the networking meetings”.
ADPP (The Arena for Data Protection Professionals) is “a global peer to peer community” that is based in the United Kingdom and some EU countries, was established to provide support to anyone dealing with data in an organization, including data protection officers, compliance leaders, chief technology officers, chief information security officers, marketing communications leaders, customer service managers, and chief information officers.
ADPP offers these professionals guidance on topical issues surrounding Cyber and Data Protection, including regulatory, a curated news feed and a discussion forum to discuss industry experiences and challenges plus technology product selection. ADPP holds regular networking meetings where panel members are brought together to discuss topical issues and members can socialize with their fellow professionals.
ADCG (Association of Data & Cyber Governance) connects data management, cybersecurity, and governance professionals to break down silos, facilitate communication, and increase knowledge within organizations and across industry sectors. Members can stay informed and connected through the weekly newsletter, updates, educational programs, and training sessions that cover each critical area.
The Association for Data and Cyber Governance is a membership organization of individuals, companies and other organizations that are interested in building and maintaining their knowledge of data and cyber governance. This includes data protection, data privacy, cybercrime and cybersecurity. These professionals are not usually the technologists, instead they are the executives and employees charged with compliance with the myriad of laws, regulation and standards
For more information please contact
ADPP: Penny Heyes
ADCG: Haley Metteauer Jason Shoup
Amy Willcox