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Nominated European Representative Service

If your business is offering Goods and Services to the UK and/ or  EU

there is a requirement for UK / EU Representation


This applies to ALL organisations

This is a requirement under new laws.


Did you know that, if your organisation is based outside the UK or Europe, including British organisations post Brexit, under the new GDPR, your organisation must appoint a “Nominated European Representative” (NER)? 


You are not alone.  Many organisations are unaware of this requirement. 


The long arm of GDPR requires that both Data Controllers and Data Processors who are not established in the UK EU and who offer goods or services to data subjects in the UK/EU,  or who monitor the behaviour of Data Subjects occurring within the UK/EU must appoint, in writing, a representative within the UK and the EU.


This “representative” can be “a natural or legal person established in the UK / EU, designated by the controller or processor”.

A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) describes a process designed to identify risks arising out of the processing of personal data and to mitigate these risks as far and as early as possible.

Article 27 of the GDPR states that a Controller or Processor who is not established in the EU and offers goods or services to data subjects in the EU or monitors the behaviour of Data Subjects occurring within the EU must appoint, in writing, a representative within the EU

We can deliver these services in all European languages and our service is backed up with experienced and qualified data protection expert. 

Our fees start from £2500* (ex VAT) / US$ 2700 per annum to act as a UK Nominative representative

For an additional £1000 / US$ 1200 per annum for both EU and UK representative (starting from £225 / US$ 250 per month)


*Prices will vary depending on the size of your organisation and the amount of data you are processing.

The Trust Bridge working with XpertDPO

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Why select The Trust Bridge as your Nominated European Representative ?

We are based in the UK, and have an alliance with a firm based in Ireland, the only English speaking member state left in the EU. Therefore, we can provide a comprehensive and unified service to your organization in both the UK and EU.


We can be your single source for data protection support. Our experience in extensive. 

Our consultants and EU Counsel have many years of Data Protection experience.

We have a worldwide network of knowledgeable date experts.

We have the capability to speak all European Languages and our consultants are experts in the Data Protection Laws of many European member states.


The Trust Bridge and partners can act as your Nominated UK/ European Representative AND your Data Protection Officer, thereby keeping all of your Data Protection requirements with one expert organisation.


If you would like a copy of our checklist to help you determine your Articel 27 Representative requirments, please contact us: 

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