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ADPP Webinars are all available on our You Tube Channel:
as area ll availble
Here is a list of all the webinars we have broadcast:
DORA: Digital Operation Resiliance Act: Penny and David discuss the new regulation
US Privacy Laws: State versus Federal with Malcolm Dowden (SPB), Tara Cho (WBD), Daniel Hammond and David Clarke
Cyber Insurance is it worth it? with Darren Vye, Arch Insurance
Ransomware: Consequences of doing a deal with the devil: with Malcolm Dowden, Squire Patton Boggs, and David Clarke, TTB
Cookie Policies: unravelling the confusion with Alex Brown: Simmons and Simmons, Marc Southwell: CookieInformation & David
Article 27 Representation: do you need it? with Malcolm Dowden:WBD, Stuart Anderson, XpertDPO and David Clarke
Privacy Shield is Dead? What does this mean for data flow from EU / UK to USA and beyond. with Malcolm Dowden WBD, Jonathan Bowker, Innovative Integrations, and David Clarke
CCPA / GDPR (and UK) / NDPR / DIFC / LGPD – are they all the same? with Malcolm Dowden of Transatlantic law firm, WBD, Carol Tullo, OBE, LLB and David Clarke
Cyber Security Insurance -is it worth it? with Andy Parsons of WBD, Darren Vye of Arch / Barbican Insurance Group and David
Brexit: still relevant? Standards Clauses / EU & UK rep officea aand the Power of the DPO - with Malcolm Dowden, WBD
Age Verification and Parental Control for Mobile Apps and Games
International Data Transfer- is your company following the rules
This series of webinars and discussions is brought to us by our partners at vDOC. Here we look at the requirements for secure and compliant data operations, reviewing the advantages of a managed service and some of the privacy software and technologies
Making Considered Cyber Decisions or Just Reacting? Looking at Robust Systems with David Clarke, Jeff Lawler and James Lawler
Cloud Control: Actionable Cloud Security Intelligence with Paddy V from C3M
Our series of webinars looking at how to protect your data when all your employees are working at home and on their own devices:
Remote Working: teammanagement and the HR challenge with Andrew Parsons from law firm Womble Bond Dickinson
Covid 19 App and the Privacy Issues with Neil Westwood of Simmons&Simmons
The Employment Landscape Post Covid 19 with Jonathan Newman of Simmons&Simmons
Post Pandemic Preparation: the new "norm" and getting data back under control
Cyber Commuting and Remote Working: Virtual Conference (3 1/2 hours)
Safer Remote Working and Cyber Threats, plus Team Communication from a Distance (with ECIA)
You cannot Protect what you cannot find/ How to look Professional on Screen (with ECIA)
Third Party Supply Chain and Post Pandemic Preparation with (ECIA)